So as I discussed last week, one of my biggest of PET-PEEVES of new trend in donor processors and management systems is the ALL-IN-ONE solutions. I honestly do not see ANY benefit of allowing a donor management to also control your website. Put Simply… They have no business in web design. Sure, logging into one place for everything sounds dreamy but what are you sacrificing for it? Let’s chat about that today!
For Under $500 a month, get a killer charity toolbox of solutions that WORK!
CHECK OUT my UNDER $500 TOOLBOX system of COST FRIENDLY BUT POWERFUL SOLUTIONS for your donations, donor acknowledgements, website, accounting, email campaigns and automations. This complete set up fills all the holes in charity management so you can get back to changing the world.
Jack of All Trades…. fill in the blank. We all know the saying but what happens when you have worked tirelessly for your funding through countless revsions of a grant application or lovingly hounding a loaded donor until they finally helped? Having the responsibility of not only morally caring for your cause (cough and changing the world) but ethically managing the funds is DAUNTING. So I get why hiring a specialist would seem like a luxury expense… but let me explain why its not.
BEHIND THE SCENES: Non Profit Client Branding Homework
Get a look BEHIND THE SCENES at my exclusive branding homework and questions that get to the root of your charity. This questionnaire is usually only available to my client but this week I wanted to share with you the kind of service you get when you work with me. So Let’s Jump In!
Get THE CHARITY DESIGN CO look without the price tag, even connecting useful tech so can get you back to changing the world. Each template comes with a customized workbook + video resources; launching your site in 3 days… EASY!
SPOTLIGHT - Nonprofit Megaphone
SPOTLIGHT - Nonprofit Megaphone Optimize your FREE $10,000 a month from Google for Nonprofits with my friends and industry leaders at Nonprofit Megaphone! Why is utilizing this Google Ad Grant so important? Why do you need to activate this FREE Gift from Google for Nonprofits?
4 MUST HAVES on Your Custom 404 Page
Ah! The dreaded 404 page. How to you keep those hard won visitors on your site and capture their hearts? Here are my 4 MUST HAVES every 404 page needs that will ensure your visitors stay on your site and get to where they ‘wanted’ to go.
Intention To MOVE
Join me in INTENTION TO MOVE. I am not one for resolutions, (especially around a new year) BUT I am one for intentions. I have found and believe that intentions are easiest at “beginnings”. And we have one starting real soon.
Tis The Season To REST
Hear me out… you need to rest too! Too often the givers, the doers, the people who constantly serve are overlooked in others serving them AND they are AWFUL in serving themselves. If you are like most charities, the holidays are a BLUR of actives, duties, madness and community support. But by this time, you probably feel like a stuffed raisin. Full of joy but depleted in self. So, here, my friend, is some ways to serve yourself because you need to!
5 Reasons Why CHARITIES Should Be On Squarespace
Ok, yes, I love me some Squarespace. But did you know there are countless LEGIT reasons for a charity to be on Squarespace? Check out my TOP 5 reasons your charity should be on Squarespace.
Why ‘ROY’ in IT is Wrong About Wordpress - Dani’s SOAPBOX
Ok, let me get this out of the way. If you are a circa 2005 purist with your “WORDPRESS IS BEST” mantra, feel free to skip. You might be too far gone. Enjoy Dani’s SOAPBOX with some humor, IT Crowd Jokes and some harsh truth about Wordpress VS Squarespace.
How to Get Your Charity Website Ready for Holiday Giving
Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday and finally #GIVINGTUESDAY, the start of the non-profit holiday giving season. If you are JUST NOW thinking and looking at your website, wondering if its ready and captivating enough to collect that extra $$ mulah $$ then this post is for you!
Best Practices When Working With a Rockstar Designer
We totally get it. As a non-profit employee or volunteer, you wear lots of hats and have probably been asked to learn on the fly some task you had no idea (or business) doing. But you do it. For your cause and because you are the salt of the earth. Because you are the best of humans. DIY and on-the-fly only cuts it for so long before you are not only wasting more time but actually doing a disservice to your cause. Read about my standards of practice that create a respectful design communication atmosphere. every. time.
How Web Design for Charities Works
Web design can be a tricky and strange world. Who do you trust? I try to be as transparent as possible (and its why I advocate for you to do the same so your donors see YOUR honesty). This blog breaks down how a website or branding package works with The Charity Design Co.
SPOTLIGHT - Path To College
SPOTLIGHT - Path To College Learn all about one of Dani’s favorite non-profits from their passionate Executive Director herself, Christine Sylvain. Learn from her dynamic start and how to accomplish the same end results for your charity.
Happy Veterans Day
Today I selfishly honor all veterans, especially my sweet husband for his service. One of my most profound moments in life was the moment I knew he was “safe” and on friendly soil when coming back from deployment. I literally fell on my knees in the bathroom and cried. Today, let us remember the sacrifices our service men + women make daily to keep us safe. I will never take another day for granted. Thank you Veterans. Thank You Georgie.
For Under $100 a month, get a killer charity toolbox of solutions that WORK!
CHECK OUT my UNDER $100 TOOLBOX system of MOSTLY FREE, (or as close to it as possible) Solutions for your donations, donor acknowledgements, website, accounting, email campaigns and automations. This complete set up fills all the holes in charity management so you can get back to changing the world.
What are your donors looking out for when they visit your site? Our halloween themed blog of the top 6 things that scare donors away from your website. Run, Hide! You will want to make these changed immediately.
SPOTLIGHT - Speak Up for Kids PBC
SPOTLIGHT - Speak Up for Kids PBC Learn all about one of Dani’s favorite charities from the brilliant Executive Director herself, Coleen LaCosta. Hear her wise advice on how to utilize the power of the internet to bring in more donors and volunteers than ever before.
THISTLE? What is this place?
Get to know the sass and love behind “Thistle While You Work”. Discover the goals and purpose. The hope that you will come to expect this blog to be THE source of knowledge and inspiration for your charity. Dani’ has personal goals for YOUR charity, and we hope to achieve them here with Thistle While You Work.