Not Long After
After we chat, I will send you a link to book your “Complete Website”. $1000 deposit holds your date and makes it official.
7 Days before your Complete Website In A Week
Photos + administrative access to an existing Squarespace site are due. The branding, writing prompts, integrations are also due at this time. I will share a private Google Drive folder for you to upload all of your work.
DAY 1: Monday
We start our week off with a bang! I start to lay out your wireframe, your sitemap and apply to the website.
DAY 2: Tuesday
You are not needed this day as I lay out all of the content you have provided to the website. We create the integrations and plugin functions this day.
DAY 3: Wednesday
This day I continue to fine-tune your integrations, connections and plugins. The backbone of your charity so everything runs and works smoothly. Design and finesse starts today.
DAY 4: Thursday
This day is all about making the website look beautiful. Design is filly fleshed out and applied. Your web access for review is sent this evening and edits are due the next morning.
DAY 5: Friday
Edits are to be in my inbox by 9AM MST and I will set aside 2 hours of my morning to work on any edits you send. Afterward, I go thru my launch checklist, complete a QA and hop on our final launch call.