Not every nonprofit out there can be raising money for kids and puppies am I right?!

Often, those of us working in charities with less than sexy focuses tend to feel defeated before we even get to the ask. What’s more complex and triggering than homelessness, mental health, war refugees, and healthcare OH MY!

So what are some indicators that your cause is having some trouble with messaging and what are some ways to get around this “cause-dysmorphia” and get your sexy back!

Your UNSEXY NPO is well known so people think that you dont need support.

Oh how far to the mighty fall? Its really quite sad. But there really are some awful tales of nonprofits who do all the right things and fail to get the need and urgency across to continue to grow. So what do you do if this is you?


  • GROW!
    Fund endowments, set up more centers, more programs, and invite the most engaged to participate. Have an overwhelming amount of corporate volunteers? Put a minimum donation value for a corporate volunteer photo opportunity.  Be bold and ask for the sky. You have the longevity and proof, so ask for it. 

  • Change messaging and campaigns often
    If your messaging and appeal campaigns are the same each month, it’s going to create an illusion of being stagnant and not moving. If you change these things, you can create a forward movement that people will want to be a part of. Consider peer-to-peer and other forms of fundraising to reinvigorate your sleeping donor base. 

  • Back to the Basics with a 21st-Century twist
    Use those good ole’ temp trackers to show just how much you still need to raise. Be transparent, but sprinkle in text to give, gifs and other technology to get the newer generations onboard. This retro throwback will seem new and fun to ‘the kids’ and will help to engage and nurture a new group of donors.

Your UNSEXY NPO is so small you lack credibility. 

Guys… if this is you… you have options! These sorts of small items mean a lot to donors and volunteers to make sure you are legit. Get your admin hat on because much of this is all online and can get you set up quick.


  • Get verified on Facebook
    Facebook birthday fundraisers and Giving Tuesday (as much as we wish they would go away) are not going away. Embrace it and get verified as a nonprofit. This can take some time but it needs to be done.  

  • Get transparency badges and awards
    Candid and Great Nonprofits tend to be the main ones that my nonprofits are able to get with relative ease. You need some metrics, reports and just being organized. Submit the data thats needed, get the reviews that are required, and slap that badge up with pride. It will really make a difference. 

  • Get out there
    Ask to be apart of community events and talk to people, hand out flyers and just tell them about your issue and work. If you dont have a budget for materials, get a QR code, repurpose some items from your house and there you go. You dont even have to ask for donations at first, just get your name and face out there.  Better yet, support another community non-profit thru volunteerism or another form of support. 

Your UNSEXY NPO has donors but no helpers.

Now some of you might be thinking… that sounds AWESOME! But think about the backside of this. No event support, no support in general. Its really a rough spot to be in.


  • Get the youth involved
    Set up a way for the kids in your community to be involved and earn community service hours. This will invigorate their families to participate and get involved by default. High schoolers are needing more and more community impact to get into colleges so set up internships or other community service opportunities that offer hours so you can get a base core of helpers.

  • Do a hard look inside
    Sometimes, when a charity isn't doing well on the volunteer front it could be admin but can often be how you are treating your volunteers. Are you making them feel like a million bucks? Are you ensuring they leave with their bucket overflowing with gratitude from you and feeling like they made a difference? Are you following up with a thank you or a small gift? Consider your part in the involvement of your community. 

Your UNSEXY NPO was a trend but now you don't have long-lasting engagement.

Kinda a good problem because you have had past interest but how do you get donors to notice you again?


  • RE-engage the media
    Reach out to your local news and engage them. If your topic was trendy before, a follow on the story will still be good for views. Use this opportunity to segway into why you need continued support and ASK BIG! Fight disinformation here and be clear.   

  • Follow the trend into the next one to stay relevant
    Many donors follow the next fab thing. So use that momentum to be the next fab thing. Stay up on trends in social media and be at the forefront of the latest to stay visible. Consider ambassadors and spokes people to help spread the word. 

Your UNSEXY NPO has complex issues.  

This is you if you have a seemingly triggering topic that's often shrouded in politics, emotions, and disinformation. Perhaps you have a hard time combatting the misinformation and getting your purpose across.


  • Face the misinformation HEAD ON.
    Do not ignore it. And do NOT cover it with pages of facts. Simply state… “While many who are homeless suffer from substance abuse as a way to cope with their situation, most did not find themselves in this situation because of dependency.” Provide a quote from a testimonial or a stat and move on. Do not engage with internet trolls and do not worry about over complicating the nuance. State it and move on. This places you in the moral high ground and few will mess with it.

  • Create a Myths VS Facts infographic or Video
    Help dispel misinformation with a fun and informative Myths vs facts to help visitors and followers understand the cause a bit more.

  • Accept
    At a certain point, we cannot control politicians, foreign governments, or news outlets from creating more drama where it isn't needed. Accepting that your issue is a center point and leveraging that into petitions, summits and letter writing for like-minded public figures is one way to accept your ride is going to be full of surprises. Maybe activate a Google alert?!

Every nonprofit can be sexy to its donor base… its more about knowing the likely culprit of issues your nonprofit is facing. Are you too big, too trendy, not engaged,  too small or too complex? Get your sexy back. 

ALWAYS on your side + team



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Dani MacGregor

Web + Graphic Designer with 10+ years of non-profit and creative experience. I have a soft spot for pretty much every cause and charity. I admire all non-profits for their work in every issue and value their contribution in making the world a better place.

Through her blog “Thistle While You Work” this seasoned charity professional shares in-depth knowledge, skills and tricks to open your donors hearts and pockets. She has worked with every type of charity - religious, children, educational, medical, animal, conservation and human rights. Plus she has made over 70+ websites for non profits, thought leaders, authors and even the famously fun Hard Rock.


