SPOTLIGHT - Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches

Meet Fiona Wade, Board Member of the 2021 Charity of the Year Winners - Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches. Not only is Fiona a passionate, articulate and effective leader in the non profit arena but also a dear friend. Together, Fiona and the HTCPB Board President Laura Cusack allowed me to work through their old website to create something new and polished that will grow with them for years to come. Fiona shares her keen insight and profound knowledge below. Check it out!

How did you start out with your cause? Why does it matter to you?

I was first introduced to the issue of human trafficking when I was a teenager. Since then, advocacy has been a defining part of my personal and professional life. Soon after relocating from Washington, D.C. to Palm Beach County in 2016, I joined the Coalition as a community member and joined the Board in 2020.

Human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar industry and the second largest illegal trade worldwide. The exploitation of a human being for commercial profit is the heinous reality of greed + violence. After spending time in developing countries where people are victimized daily without hope, I am proud to participate in a community that not only has a coalition of concerned individuals but also a federally-funded task force dedicated to combatting human trafficking through a collaborative, victim-centered, trauma-informed framework. Our work in Palm Beach County matters.

What is your best advice for starting your charities online presence?

TAKE THE TIME TO DO IT. Pressing pause on the work behind your nonprofit mission may seem counterproductive. I can tell you the return has been so beneficial for our organization and the community we serve. Whether you are launching or ready to scale, consulting for web/design is essential. You know the work you do better than anyone, but it can be a challenge to outline it. Good news- you don’t need to wait until you’ve fully mapped everything out. The Charity Design Co.'s on-boarding prompts help you create solid content for a compelling visual narrative. Let Dani tell your story!

What’s your best advice for scaling your charity online?

Set yourself up for success before you scale. If you experienced a 100% engagement increase tomorrow, is your organization equipped to up your service output? The HTCPB is now prepared to better serve our community since Charity Design Co. has outfitted us with:

  • Automation - of many labor-intensive tasks, which has freed us up for other responsibilities

  • Integration- of social media and email campaigns, which keeps things tidy & efficient

  • Cohesion- of brand, which has helped us as an identifiable organization and has increased funding opportunities

  • Clarity- of mission, programming, and engagement opportunities, which has increased community involvement

  • Capability- of donations and a great CRM, which has increased sales and recurring giving with reduced transaction fees

What has the restructure process been like with The Charity Design Co?

A breeze! Not only does Dani take the time to walk you through your new automations, but she provides tools and easy-step guides to help your full organization understand how to use the new systems. Our Board and Committee Chairs have been impressed by the technology and are grateful to have tasks streamlined.



What are some of your favorite charities that you follow and admire?

International Justice Mission, a global organization partnering with local justice systems to end violence against people living in poverty. I’ve received several opportunities to watch them in action both internationally and in the US and will forever be impressed by their standard of excellence and commitment to impact.

Speak Up for Kids, a local organization dedicated to best-interest advocacy for every child involved in Palm Beach County’s foster care system. I am proud to work with SUFK and the Guardian ad Litem Program on a mission to effectively break the cycles of abuse, violence, crime and neglect- one child at a time.

Great Charity Challenge, one exciting night of show jumping with more than $1 million distributed to local nonprofits. I am a huge equestrian enthusiast and absolutely never want to miss the Winter Equestrian Festival's biggest night of philanthropy.

I am also a big cheerleader and curious fan of young philanthropists, particularly students using a sustainable business model to fund their cause.

If a person walked up to you asking for advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip on charities and NPOs, what would it be?

To our fellow newly-founded nonprofit organizations, cheers to collaboration over competition. Get yourself a reputable nonprofit toolkit to guide your policies and procedures, prompt you to think through situations you may not foresee, and coach you in areas like financial accounting and transparency, development, board engagement and volunteer management. Focus on impact and have a sustainability plan. Engage your leadership in workshops to define the mission and vision statements and maintain a strategic plan. Develop your team as brand ambassadors and build a culture of philanthropy. Reorient the team to the mission often; celebrate wins together and share success stories. Structure your programming directly to your mission & stay in your lane. Remember why your work is important and what would be lacking from the community if your organization no longer existed.

Bet YOU are inspired to help out right?

You can support this cause through the HUMAN TRAFFICKING COALITION OF THE PALM BEACHES with the purchase of one of these exclusive designs! I donate part of my proceeds of each sale to the non-profit directly. So get some Merch That Matters.

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Dani MacGregor

Web + Graphic Designer with 10+ years of non-profit and creative experience. I have a soft spot for pretty much every cause and charity. I admire all non-profits for their work in every issue and value their contribution in making the world a better place.

Through her blog “Thistle While You Work” this seasoned charity professional shares in-depth knowledge, skills and tricks to open your donors hearts and pockets. She has worked with every type of charity - religious, children, educational, medical, animal, conservation and human rights. Plus she has made over 70+ websites for non profits, thought leaders, authors and even the famously fun Hard Rock.

Look for the HELPERS
