SPOTLIGHT - The Healthcare Navigation Project
Meet Lauren Kopsick, Founder of the 2022 Charity of the Year Winners - The Healthcare Navigation Project. Not only is Lauren passionate, articulate and effective leader in the non profit arena but a momma who lived health navigation. Lauren shares her keen insight and profound knowledge below. Check it out!
How did you start out with your cause? Why does it matter to you?
I started out advocating for the educationally disabled and the IEP programs in the schools as my older son was diagnosed neurodivergent at 4 1/2. When my younger son at age 11 was diagnosed with fistulating Crohn’s Disease I learned there was a parallel universe that no one knew about where there are 504 plans and homebound instruction and protocols and workarounds and misinformation and denials. How was my child and everyone else ever going be able to advocate for himself in what I learned had become ‘the ridiculousness of our healthcare system’. I became determined to research and figure it out. And I never stopped. For seven years straight. And I’m really proud to say we figured it out! It’s not fair or right that we the people who also happen to be patients are left completely out what the future of healthcare will look like or how to navigate it.
What is your best advice for starting your charities online presence?
Never stop believing in your mission. Most importantly you need to be confident and have the tough conversations and not be worried someone may not like you. Be truthful and helpful in whatever you post. If you stay true to who you are always, the right people and energy will find you!
What’s your best advice for scaling your charity online?
Start small and where you feel the most comfortable. People will be there for guidance. Call 211. They are the keepers of every nonprofit program in your state. That’s a start. You can ask them what other charities might be a fit to partner with or just get information. They are open 24/7 365!
What has the restructure process been like with The Charity Design Co?
I was literally blown away with how The Charity Design Company process works. I’ve been a small business consultant so I understand just how important each question was meticulously crafted to get deep inside my brain and pull out what was needed. I could only hope to have 1/3 of the insight you guys have. I plan to be as I am already, you #1 fan and cheerleader!
What are some of your favorite charities that you follow and admire?
I love NORD. I’ve been referring people to them since the late 1990’s when I first learned they could research globally and find any rare disease information for you. My son wasn’t diagnosed with a rare disease until years later. I love the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Website. In 2006 ish they posted an eight page 504 plan customizable template. I ended up writing my first article ever all about this amazing template I discovered that could be modified for any disease! It’s now living on our website! I love Patients Rising Now because there slogan is ‘we the patients’ and they keep us abreast of what’s happening on capital hill.
If a person walked up to you asking for advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip on charities and NPOs, what would it be?
If you are willing to starve for your cause, you will meet the most amazing family along the way and it will be their pleasure to help you in anyway they can. And don’t forget to call 211 and tell them what you are planning to do. They are also a nonprofit and they are extremely helpful
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