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Best Practices When Working With a Rockstar Designer

We totally get it. As a non-profit employee or volunteer, you wear lots of hats and have probably been asked to learn on the fly some task you had no idea (or business) doing. But you do it. For your cause and because you are the salt of the earth. Because you are the best of humans. This is why I am here, serving and helping YOU, you make my heart melt with you service hearts. However, you are probably also here for another reason… you also realize that at a certain point, you need a professional. DIY and on-the-fly only cuts it for so long before you are not only wasting more time but actually doing a disservice to your cause.

Working with THE CHARITY DESIGN CO is easy, peaceful and respectful at all stages of the design process. Even if you have worked with designers before, below is a great refresher on how we accomplish a fulfilling and rewarding project process.

#1 Trust me to do my job

You have hired me to do this project for a reason... we have similar goals for your charity and you believe I can deliver them for you. I believe I can too! I feel it in my bones. Please do not lose sight of this fact as we continue down the path of design and development. 

#2 Understand the Website Should Help Meet Goals

Please don't be distracted by pretty designs or bells and whistles. Your website isn't meant to be a trendy, glittering work of art. Rather, it should match your goals and meet donor experience guide points. While this reality may be hard to stomach, it's important to remember that your website is for your donors, volunteers and foundations. I have years of experience in putting up the blinders to the flashy distractions, I got you! 

#3 Grant Access to All Necessary Accounts

Privacy is a major concern for everyone. I get it. However, since you hired me to create and connect your website, it's necessary to give me access to as many of the accounts as possible. Part of the reason for hiring me is to allow me to do the connecting, integrating etc so you can get back to changing the world. Don't lose sight of how I can help and create more work for yourself. 

#4 Never Design by Committee

We recommend to all of our clients that you appoint one person within your charity to be the go-to decision-maker about all things related to the new website.

If this is somehow not feasible for your non-profit, then we recommend carefully selecting a small subcommittee of 2 to 5 people. One person in the subcommittee should have veto power.

Why do we suggest this allocation of decision-making? "Design by committee" is disastrous to web development. People's opinions clash. Communication gets muddled. Schedules get pushed back, or changed. Without a protocol for decision-making and communication, the process could drag out weeks or months longer than necessary. 

#5 Give Me Timely, Helpful Feedback

You're an expert in your cause. After years of experience, you know its ins and outs. Because of this expertise, I rely on you to weigh in as I create a website that accurately represents your non-profit. Our revision process is laid out above but here are some additional tips

Here's how you can give me useful feedback:

  • Be candid. Ambiguity leads to misunderstandings and frustration.

  • Don't suffer in silence. If the project isn't going in the right direction, tell me immediately.

  • State the problem, not the solution. Instead of saying, "I don't like the bright blue color," I recommend saying something like, "I feel that the color doesn't fit our established, traditional culture."

  • Provide examples of what you like. Send a link, a screenshot, or a hand-drawn sketch instead of verbally describing it.

  • Lastly, it's important to remember that, just as you know your charity, I know websites. I am here to help you. In order for me to do that efficiently, I need your feedback and your trust.


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